The Critical 'Musts' with Bill Nordstrom
We examine the biblical events that 'must' precede the return of Jesus Christ. There are many, but also an abundance of prophetic teachings in the Word of God only to be understood by connecting the dots presented by the authors of both the Old Testament and the apostolic writers of the New.There are significant apocalyptic mysteries in the bible the Church will be made responsible for communicating to a dull and lethargic multitude seeking answers in these last days. In the grace of God, that is our goal.
Podcasting since 2020 • 125 episodes
The Critical 'Musts' with Bill Nordstrom
Latest Episodes
"Get Ready, God Will Do a Quick Work"
Just as Daniel's intercession in Chapter 9 was necessary to release the prophetic revelation in Chapter 10 by releasing the Archangel Michael to remove the opposing Prince of Persia, we must ask, will a Church facing its greatest spiritual chal...
Season 1
Episode 53

'What is the Church's 'New Normal'?
As we adjust to the so-called new ‘normals,' what will be the condition of our collective hearts and how will we respond in the crisis? The Church is little prepared to navigate THAT new normal, neglecting one of the greatest tools ...
Season 1
Episode 45

"Pre-Trib Talk and Post-Trib Realities"
One of the most frequently stated arguments for an early rapture is found in Revelation. Pre-trib defenders argue the Church is never mentioned after chapter 4 in the book. That after the Lord reprimands the seven churches in Asia ...
Episode 166

“Burning Prophetic Hearts that Demand Expression”
If you and I are alive and well on planet earth when events begin to take place that leads to the great tribulation, you and I had better know in whom we’ve believed and have unwavering confidence that He is faithful to keep that which we’ve co...
Season 1
Episode 115

“Replacement Theology, the Gentile’s Muddled Voice to the Jew”
Among many in the church today who embrace Christian theology, even go to church regularly and support the creeds and the canon of scripture, hold to the idea that God is somehow finished with the Jews. That they may have some...
Episode 161